- manpower guarding
- installation of security systems
- remote monitoring
- transport of money and valuables

Provision of cultural, sports, economic events and corporate events.

Within the framework of event insurance, or at the premises of our principal.

Within the framework of event insurance, or at the premises of our principal.

Safety survey.
Asset protection consultancy.

Searching for missing persons.
Credit check.

Security escort, protection of residential property.

Cleaning (office, building cleaning, cleaning of industrial objects).
We protect what you create.
We are ready for solutions.
In this form, our company, which employs nearly one and a half hundred colleagues, was founded in 2016, but most of the employees have been working in the field of asset protection for 10-15 years and have taken on similar roles before. We consciously chose and choose our colleagues, many of whom were previously professional members of a law enforcement body. In addition to former police and military officers, the management also includes colleagues who reflect a modern economic outlook.
All our senior colleagues are required to know not only their closest environment, the protected person or factory and its security risks, but also the background and methods of policing theory, European security technical solutions, policing, legal and social processes in order to be able to work with safety during practical solutions suggest and initiate.
We only accept positions in the profession.
A defining area in our portfolios is the guarding and supervision of industrial objects and community areas, which is provided by our continuously trained staff with manpower and security technology and remote monitoring systems. We also provide transport of money and valuables up to a certain value limit, and we have significant experience in the field of event insurance, where we have guaranteed peace of mind for events with thousands of people.
Our special area is personal insurance and escorts, for which there is an increasing demand. Our returning and permanent partners know and ask for this service, and they are always satisfied. Our unique solution is bomb research, which we do not only at event locations, but also the research and control of psychotropic substances.
Development, innovation, future.
Főnix Security is developing dynamically, which is based on the application of innovative solutions and the accurate assessment and full assurance of the clients’ needs. Our discretion, transparency, and the expected and guaranteed level of service can make our commitments effective in the long term.
We have full national coverage, our headquarters are in Budapest, but we also have an office in Tata. Our services are still available today in the counties of Komárom-Esztergom, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Pest, Heves, Nógrád and Jász-Nagykun.
Our development has been dynamic since our founding, and our revenues reach hundreds of millions of forints annually. With our personal presence for tens of thousands of hours per month, we guarantee safety: we guard and insure. In three or four weeks, we come into direct or indirect contact with people the size of a small town, we do this in the background or, if necessary, on the front line.
We are where things happen.
We took on a role in a field that markedly defines the everyday lives of people and businesses. Norms provide the framework for our work, our practice is determined by honesty, harmony and the pursuit of excellence. We believe that renewal is not only part of our company philosophy, but also a mandatory commitment. We have experienced that, in the field of private security, it is mandatory not only to provide more and constantly new things in the quality and diversity of services, but also in technical solutions, in the availability shown to our clients and in the significantly shortened reaction time.
Credibility is an entry level requirement.
Our new partners most often establish their trust in us with their security assessment needs or consulting. We have developed a strict internal protocol for carrying out private investigations and searching for missing persons, protecting and securing the interests of our clients to the utmost.
Our additional service is cleaning, which can further increase the safety of each of our partners with the appearance of the employees we check.
That’s how we think at
The choice of name is decisive in the fate of a company. It can reflect the message, thoughts, hopes and intentions of the owners. We consciously chose the symbol of the legendary mythical firebird reviving from its ashes, which was originally a creature of Egyptian mythology. Its topicality and message can be seen in action in our everyday lives, when we undertake, recommend, solve, and provide.
Contact us

Asset protection
- Scepter Tatabánya Kft.
- T-SZOL Zrt.

Safety technology
NHSZ Tatabánya Zrt.

Event insurance
Tatai Városkapu Közhasznú Zrt.

Detection of explosives
Paulaner Oktoberfest Budapest

Scepter Tatabánya Kft.
Contact us
Our customer service is also at the service of our customers electronically. Write to us with information and questions and we will respond as soon as possible.
Our address
Főnix Security Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Headquarters: 1107 Budapest, Mázsa tér 2-6.
Office: 2890 Tata, Ipari park, hrsz:460/279.
Mobile: +36 (30) 284 3530
E-mail: fonixsec17@gmail.com